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How to End a Story

Some people say the ending is the most important part of a story. I’m inclined to agree. Mess up the ending, and your reader will feel cheated. Like they’ve wasted their time. The greatest premise in the world won’t mean squat if you can’t stick the landing. That’s why we’re talking about how to end a story!

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The greatest premise in the world won’t mean squat if you can’t stick the landing. That's why we're talking about how to end a story! Click To Tweet

How you end your story is really, really important. But, I didn’t have to tell you that, did I? Because we’ve all experienced stories with bad endings- *cough* Game of Thrones- and we know that a bad ending can sour a reader’s entire experience of a story. 

That’s why you need to start your writing process with a story ending in mind. Can the way you end your story change and evolve during the writing process- Sure! But, writing a story and expecting the perfect ending to pop out of your imagination at just the right time is a mistake. 

And before you say it, I know a lot of famous and successful writers are also panters, or writers who don’t outline their story but develop it as they go. But, if your just starting out on your writer’s journey, writing by the seat of your pants may not be the best option.You need to know what makes a good story ending before you can intuitively write one without thinking. But, I’m getting to my first tip which is- 

Start with the End in Mind

There are two kinds of writers: Plotters and Pantsers. Pantsers write stories “by the seat of their pants” without plotting or outlining. And plotters write stories with good endings… Okay, that’s not fair. There are some very successful pantsers out there like Stephen King and Margaret Atwood.

But, great pantsers are a rare breed, so it’s safer, for most of us, to plot.

There’s an inherit benefit to plotting. Having an ending in mind will keep your writing focused.

The ending and plot points may change along the way, and that’s fine. But a good outline is like a roadmap. You might not need it, but it’s sure nice to have when you’re lost!

Avoid Cliches

Does your story end with your hero out-skiing his rival, winning the girl and live happily ever after? Or worse, does they wake up and realize that it was all a dream? Then you’ve got a problem, my friend. But, don’t worry! The problem isn’t that you’re an unimaginative writer. You just need some inspiration.

Cliched writing usually means you haven’t done enough research. But how do you research for a fictional story? Start by reading non-fiction. After all, the best stories are rooted in reality.

Writing a police procedural? A perfect ending could be in the pages of your local police blotter. Working on a story about time travel? Then it’s time to read up on black holes, quantum physics, and maybe a little history.

Or delve into your own life experience to find your stories perfect ending. How have the major conflicts of your life resolved? Maybe you’re thinking- allmy conflicts ended terribly. And, that’s okay. Conflict isn’t always resolved positively in reality, and the same can be true for your story. 

Not every ending is required to be happy. 

Go Back to the Beginning

Matthew McConaughey once said that “life is a flat circle.” Well, so are the best stories. Good endings will often take the reader back to where the story began. Good writers have a way of tying everything up with a nice bow.

Take Peter Jackson’s movie adaptation Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. Our adventure begins in The Shire. Over the next three movies, we travel across Middle Earth, defeat Sauron, and destroy the One Ring. But in the end, we’re right back at The Shire where we started. 

Or how about Citizen Kane, one of the greatest films of all time. Also a great example of a nonlinear narrative. We start with the cryptic whisper of a dying man- “Rosebud.” We don’t discover the meaning of “Rosebud,” until the movie’s final frame- a huge emotional payoff. Connecting your story’s ending to it’s beginning will give your reader a satisfying sense of closure.

Keep it Tight

The final act of your story is not the place to introduce new characters, plot threads, or story arcs. The final act is about ending your story, so wrap up those plots, and kill those characters.

Okay, you don’t have to kill all your characters. But remember final acts are like group therapy. They’re about one thing- resolving the conflict. A lot of new information will get in the way of that sweet, sweet resolution.

And another thing! 

If your planning a startling revelation as a kind of stinger to end your novel on then you need to foreshadow that revelation early on in the book. Your character shouldn’t, out of nowhere, be really good at karate because that’s the only way you can imagine them defeating the Big Bad

Let the Hero Take the Wheel

The final act of the story is about your protagonist finally taking charge of her situation. She may have been lost in the first act. Her friends may have saved her butt in the second act, but by the time of the climax, she needs to be kicking but and taking names (but make it too easy). Point is, she should be the one doing the saving!

Your hero should take the lead in the final act. Which brings me to my final tip…

Demonstrate Growth

Throughout a story, protagonists should transform into new, better versions of themselves. It’s not enough that they conquer the villian. They should also prove that they’ve earned their victory. So while they’re vanquishing that diabolical villain they should also defeat their inner demons as well! That’s how you make a dynamic character

Okay, there are a few tips to help you write a perfect ending. Remember, the ending is the most important part of your story. Don’t screw it up. Otherwise, you’ve wasted everyone’s time. Don’t do that!

So, uh… That’s pretty much it.

The End

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Continued Reading on Plot Structure

Story Engineering by Larry Brooks  is a go-to resource when it comes to all things plot related. Larry Brooks gives you practical, actionable advice on how to structure your story. I can’t recommend it enough.

Plot & Structure has consistently been one of the top selling books on the craft of fiction writing. From story idea to strong plot line, this book will show you how to write a solid novel, every time out. You will never have a structural weakness again. These principles will free you to add your talent and voice in the most successful form possible.”


The Third Act: How to Write a Climatic Sequence- Well-Storied 

The Payoff-KM Allan

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